Being a small business in 2021, we are faced with many stairs to climb with obstacles of many kinds. Many young entrepreneurs are in such a hurry to make money that they push aside professional business behavior, which in the end can affect their business in a negative way. Being professional with a new or existing client creates a bond of trust that always results in a positive referral and happy working relationship.
Examples of Unprofessional Behavior:
Not responding back to phone calls and emails in a timely manner.
No follow through, when you promise a deliverable and ignore that deadline.
Demanding payment before a job or task is finished.
Gossiping and speaking about subjects not related to your partnership, i.e.. religion, politics or personal subjects.
Looking unkempt as if you just woke out of sleep.
Being under the influence of a controlled substance.
Being late to an appointment, with no phone call.
Speaking negatively about any client.
These are just a few examples that I can personally say I have witnessed and sadly many of those interactions resulted in a business being either blackballed or failing.
To be a #ninjaentrepreneur you must always under any circumstances STAY PROFESSIONAL.